Material and its properties | study science

 Material - it is a substance from which objects or something can be made.

*All objects arounds us are made of one or more material. 
e.g - glass, wood, plastic, metal

*One material can be used for making different objects.
e.g - 1. plastic is used for making buckets, toys, lunch boxes, pen
        2. wood is used for making chair, table, wheels

 Different types of materials have different properties

Properties of materials 

1. On the basis of appearance, material may be shiny and rough.

    (a) Shiny/ lusture - metals e.g. Iron, copper, aluminium, gold      
    (b) Rough/ dull - rock, sandpaper, rubber toy

2. On the basis of hardness material can be classified as soft or hard

(a) Soft material -  material which can be compressed easily are called soft material.
e.g - pillow, clothes, cotton, sponge

(b) Hard material - material which are difficult to compressed are called hard material.
e.g-  iron, black board, wood

3. Solubility - on the basis of solubility material can be classified as soluble and insoluble.


(a)  Soluble material - substance that completely disappeared or dissolved in water are called soluble material.
e.g - salt, vinegar, oxygen gas
(b)  Insoluble material - substance that don't mix with water and don't disappear after stirring are called insoluble material.
e.g - oil, sand, flour

4. Floating/sinking in water 

(a) Floating material - objects that has a lower density than the liquid it's in will float
      e.g-  plastic, paper, wood, oil

(b) Sinking material - object that has a higher density than the liquid it's in will sink.
      e.g- stone, coins, honey, bricks

5. Transparency - on the basis of transparency, material are classified in to three types.


 (a) Transparent  - the substances through which an object is clearly visible is transparent.
       e.g - glass, clear water

       Translucent - the substance through which objects can be seen but not so clearly is translucent           material.
       e.g - butter paper, muddy water

       Opaque -  the substance through which we cannot see at all is opaque.
       e.g - wooden box, card board

6. Physical state - on the basis of physical state material can be classified into three different state.

7. Conduction of electricity - material can be classified in to conductor and insulator.


(a)  Conductor - material that conduct electricity are called conductor.
       e.g - metal, graphite

(b)  Insulator - material that don't conduct electricity are called insulator.
       e.g - plastic, wood

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