Natural fibres defination and its types | study science

Natural Fibers

Fibres are thin, long, flexible thread - like structures. The fibres are usually obtained from two main sources - plant and animals. These fibres are called natural fibres.
e.g. Cotton, wool, silk

Types of natural fibres

 The natural fibres are of two types i.e. plant and animal fibres

1. Plant fibres - fibres that are obtained from plant sources such as cotton, jute.
2. Animal fibres - fibres that are obtained from animals such as wool from sheep and silk from silk worm.

  Plant fibres

Fibres which are obtained naturally and directly from the different sources of plants and their products are called natural fibres.
These fibres crops are very high in its length, width and flexibility. They are the raw materials which are available in the form of thin, long continuous threads that spun into yarn and made into fabrics.
The different sources of plant fibres are - cotton, jute, flax

1. Cotton 

 It is used to make clothes. Cotton is soft staple fibres. Cotton is obtained by cotton plants which are usually grown at places having black soil and warm climate. The fruits of cotton plants are about lemon size.

 After maturing, the bolls burst open & seeds covered with cotton fibers can be seen.
    From these bolls, cotton is usually picked by hand. Fibers are then separated from seeds by combing and this process is called ginning of cotton.

Ginning :- Traditionally done by hand.

2. Jute

 Jute is a vegetable fibre. It is soft, shiny and spun to strong threads. Jute is obtained from stem of jute plant. It is cultivated during rainy season. The jute plant is normally harvested when it is at flowering stage.

    The stems of plants are immersed in water for few days. The stems rot and fibers are separated by hand.

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