Types of fibre and advantages | study science

Fibre to fabric


 A material which is available in the form of thin and continuous strands are called fibre. Clothes are made of fabric. And fabric are made of fibre.  

Types of fibres

Fibre can be classified into two different categories i.e. synthetic fibre ( man - made) and natural fibre.

1. Synthetic fibre - Fibres which are artificially synthesized by humans with the help of machines in textile industries. These fibre are also called man made fibres.
e.g. rayon, nylon, polyester
1. Rayon - it is made from wood pulp. Rayon is also known as artificial silk.
2. Nylon - it was the first synthetic fibre. It is used in making of ropes, bags and clothes.

Advantage of synthetic fibres

1. Cheaper than natural fibres
2. Easily available
3. Easy to maintain and durable
4. Dried quickly
5. Do not wrinkle easily
2. Natural fibre Fibres which are obtained naturally and directly from the different sources of plants, animals and their products are called natural fibres. 
e.g. cotton, jute and wool
1. Cotton -  it  is obtained by cotton plant
2. Jute - it is long soft, shiny fibre obtained from vegetables

Advantages of natural fibre

1. They are biodegradable and renewable
2. They have low densities
3. Lower processing cost
4. Natural fibre are more comfortable
5. Non allergic to skin



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